Celebrating a great spiritual attainment

Mahasamadhi is a term to describe the process known in various spiritual traditions as the conscious departure of a realized yogi or spiritual master from their physical body at death. Unlike ordinary death, which is involuntary, mahasamadhi is taken at will by someone who has reached a high level of enlightenment and can consciously decide to leave the body. It is considered an act of great spiritual attainment, signifying the yogi's release from the cycles of birth and death (samsara) and their permanent union with the divine.

Celebrating a boundless legacy

Guruji's mahasamadhi wasn’t just a departure. For Anandi Ma it was a celestial event. She saw him ascending into the heavens in a chariot alongside Lord Ram, casting his transformative energy across the whole world. Ma's profound vision shows us not just the end of Guruji’s physical journey but the boundless spiritual legacy he poured forth to everyone. Celebrating mahasamadhi is like celebrating that incredible generous emanation of himself, that pouring out of grace to us all.

Celebrating Guruji

Guruji's remarkable life and legacy is what we commemorate in this celebration. Dhyanyogi was a being whose life was as extraordinary as the Ganges is purifying. Imagine a person so filled with spiritual energy that merely meeting his gaze was like looking into the brilliance of the sun. That was Guruji for those who knew him. Stories abound of his incredible abilities: from inducing deep meditation with a simple tap of his fingers to being present in multiple places at once. People revered him, comparing him to Shiva himself, and a sadhu once remarked that beings as elevated as Guruji were exceedingly rare, emphasizing the profound blessing of being his disciple.

Date and time | Friday August 23 - Tuesday August 27

Where | Livestreaming from Antioch to you

Prerequisite | Shaktipat in this lineage

Cost | By Donation ($251 suggested)

Replay |  Portions available within two weeks of the event*

What to expect

Ma has been talking about this event for a year, so there is much anticipation about what she must be planning. This 30th Anniversary event will definitely include something special— teachings that become treasures, a practice or gift of a special mantra— something offered only once.* Most of all, it is simply Ma's deep wish that we all come. She is eager to see us and give her darshan. Ma has often spoken of the benefits of attending retreats in person and of the special benefits conferred in the physical presence of the guru, and this one is for sure not to be missed! If at all possible, please attend in person.

To top it all off, Janmashtami (Krishna’s birthday) falls during the retreat so we will get to receive the full benefit of this powerful night— one of the four most powerful nights of the year and one that is particularly significant for those of us on this path since it is so linked to Guruji’s life. Guruji’s mother saw Krishna in a dream and he told her her baby would be a great being. And Guruji took mahasmadhi on Lord Krishna’s birthday, Janmashtami!

During this retreat, the blessing of the energy of the Guru Tattva, this entire lineage, and Lord Krishna pours onto every disciple.

The retreat will include meditations, chanting, a powerful Guru puja, special teachings, Chalisas, and more. Expect very high energy as Ma lights up this incredible celebration.

*Please note that some special teachings might not be livestreamed. Read more about this at the bottom of the page.

Register to attend the webcast


Ma and Bapuji hope you will join events in person as your circumstances permit, and they urge us to do our very best to attend this special 30th anniversary Mahasamadhi retreat. Please let us know if there are limiting factors so we can collectively help.



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